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Dedicated to the sovereignty
of Missourians.

2nd Amendment Preservation Act

Bill to Completely Nullify Unconstitutional
Federal Gun Control To Be Filed in
Missouri House of Representatives!

Sponsor: Rep. Doug Funderburk

Missouri First Home

February 5, 2013

To do more than make a statement, to actually defend our right to keep and bear arms, Missouri legislation must be grounded in principle.

The most constitutionally sound, legally defensible, and common sense approach requires our state legislators to declare that the federal government lacks jurisdiction to regulate the keeping and bearing of arms within our borders. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution granting federal authorities any such powers!

Since the 10th Amendment makes it clear that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserves to the states and the People, the regulation of the ownership of arms is a state, not a federal matter.

That applies to ALL such regulation.

We must demand from our legislators no less than the strongest, most principled stand they can take to defend our right to keep and bear arms!

Right now, that is Rep. Doug Funderburk's "2nd Amendment Preservation Act".

The bill is currently in "blue back" form as he gathers cosponsors. Here's the text of the bill.

Notice that it utilizes the words of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to explain Missouri's authority to nullify unconstitutional federal edicts within her borders. Including this language is essential to the success of the bill. It also specifically lists the types of things we will not put up with, and that's what gives state officials the "cover" they need to enforce the bill.

There are other 2nd Amendment bills being considered by the Missouri legislature, and while their sponsors are to be commended for their efforts, those bills leave huge loopholes that will render them ineffective.

What you can do: Call your Missouri state representative NOW and ask him to cosponsor Rep. Doug Funderburk's 2nd Amendment Preservation Act before Wednesday morning..

Directory of Representatives

Doug Funderburk's contact info.

Rep. Doug Funderburk

Learn More About The Bill

Here's the text of the bill.


Interview With A Zombie (8 min. YouTube featuring Prof. Thomas Woods and The Zombie talking about nullification.)

Professor John Eidsmoe Explains "Interposition" (In support of Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore's nullification of a federal order to remove the Ten Commandment Monument from the state Supreme Court building.

Professor Thomas Woods explains nullification at the Kansas City Nullify Now conference last summer. (39 min. YouTube)

Joshua Glover's Story: Nullification and Resistance to Slavery in 1850s America

Nullification: Answering the Objections by Thomas Woods

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

Virginia Resolution of 1798

James Madison's Report of 1800 -- a defense of the Virginia Resolution

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