Dedicated to the Sovereignty of Missourians |
Adopt a Flag / Fly Our Flag Flags make an important statement about the entities they represent. The presence of our Missouri flag indicates an allegiance to our neighbors and the things we all stand for. It says, "We are a distinct people, with distinct values." The display of our flag also tells the world that we do not walk in lock-step with anything and everything that one might see emanating from the nooks and crannies of the rest of the states. We are a people unto ourselves! You can help to promote more independent thinking among Missourians by encouraging businesses and residences in your area to fly the Missouri flag. To assist you, Missouri First has secured an economical source for our state flag as well as poles and mounting hardware. We can provide advice about the proper erection and display (too large a flag might damage some poles, for instance). We suggest that you start this effort by calling on individuals and establishments who are currently flying the United States flag only. Start by making a case for flying the Missouri flag instead, or both flags together. If it makes a difference, offer to obtain the new flag for them and even add the necessary clips to attach a second flag. Once your "adopted" flag is in place, keep an eye on it - if it gets haggard looking, offer to replace it. Our flag experts can help you with all of this. If you need help with the cost, contact us and we will see what we can do. Of course, if you don't have your own Missouri flag, you can take advantage of our special promotional prices with our supplier. Flags of all sizes as well as various size and types of poles are available. For more information or help. please email | Phone:
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